Finally, another Magic the Gathering project! I have been looking forward to this one, as it allowed me some more liberty and creativity than my usual projects.


This project is pretty unique due to the fact that the frame is a normal sized TCG card, but the artwork will be from an oversized card, allowing me to extend the artwork out of the frame and place some elements freely, outside of the pattern of the original artwork.

The frame is pretty standard as always, and I decided to engrave all the text on the card. I also added resin globe elements to every circle, to further embellish the frame.



Cutting all the elements was quite challenging, as the cardboard and the foil of the oversized card are pretty though!


There are some elements not pictured in this photo, as I had later cut out some extra pieces that I felt were necessary to add in.

I initially wanted to add separate pieces for the nose and the lips of Mayael, but that looked very odd, so I dropped it in favor of simply embossing those areas. I also did an experiment with the eyes, where I used an extra layer and added resin in the eyes. What I should have done there instead is cut out the eyes a bit larger, for a more natural effect.


After this, I started assembling the card and placing all the flowers.




And this is how the card looks finished:


I loved working on this project, and it was a lot of fun figuring out how to place all the flowers!